a plover that has a large crest, black-and-white feathers and a wailing cry, with an irregular wingbeat
What is a "lapwing"?
A lapwing, also known as the peewit or green plover, is a distinctive and charismatic bird found in many parts of the world. Known for its striking appearance and acrobatic flight, the lapwing stands out with its black and white plumage, crowned by a crest that can be raised or lowered depending on its mood. The bird's name originates from its unique call, a distinct "pee-wit" sound that echoes across the fields. Lapwings are commonly found in open grasslands, wet meadows, and farmland, where they forage for insects, worms, and other small invertebrates. Their long, thin wings and quick aerial maneuvers make them agile fliers, capable of performing breathtaking displays during courtship or when defending their territory.