to inherit
继承, 承继
to receive money, property, etc. from someone who has passed away
Transitive: to inherit money or property
After her grandmother 's passing, she inherited a beautiful antique necklace.
He was surprised to inherit a vast collection of rare books from his uncle.
继承, 遗传
to receive traits or attributes from a previous generation through genetic inheritance
Transitive: to inherit a trait
She inherited her father's blue eyes and her mother's curly hair.
The child inherited a predisposition to allergies from both sides of the family.
继承, 承继
to receive or be left with a situation, object, or condition from a predecessor or former owner
Transitive: to inherit a situation or object from sb
The new CEO inherited a company struggling with financial difficulties from her predecessor.
The new homeowners inherited a beautifully landscaped garden from the previous owners.