花猫, 三色猫
What is a "Calico cat"?
The Calico cat is a type of domestic cat that is known for its distinct coat pattern. Calicos have a coat that is primarily white with patches of orange and black (or other dark colors) distributed throughout the body. The patches are usually large and irregular in shape, creating a unique and eye-catching appearance. Calico cats are not a specific breed, but rather a coat pattern that can be found in many different breeds of cats. They are often known for their beautiful and colorful coats, with the combination of white, orange, and black creating a striking contrast. Calicos are known to have independent and spirited personalities, and they are often described as having strong-willed and confident natures. They are known to be affectionate and loving companions, but also possess a feisty and assertive side. Calico cats are believed to be lucky in some cultures and are often considered as special and unique feline companions.