Herd mentality
从众心理, 群体心态
a person's natural tendency or urge to conform to the standards or the behavior of others in a particular group or society
What is the origin of the idiom "herd mentality" and when to use it?
The origin of the idiom "herd mentality" can be traced back to the concept of herd behavior observed in animals, particularly in groups of animals like sheep or cattle. It is used to refer to the instinctual behavior of animals to stick together and follow the movement or actions of the herd for safety and survival. This expression can be used in diverse settings, including social media trends, consumer behavior, political movements, and even decision-making processes.
Many people exhibit a herd mentality on social media, following popular trends without considering their individual values.
The employees ' decisions were influenced by herd mentality, as they all adopted the same approach without questioning its effectiveness.
During the financial crisis, herd mentality led investors to panic and sell off their stocks in a mass sell-off.