不明飞行物, 敌我不明的飞机
an unidentified (and possibly enemy) aircraft
鬼怪, 妖精
an evil spirit
a set of wheels and axles used in various types of rolling stock, such as freight cars or passenger coaches
What is a "bogie"?
A bogie is a framework that holds the wheels and axles of a train, allowing it to move smoothly along the tracks. It is typically located under a train carriage or locomotive and is designed to support the weight of the train while enabling the wheels to rotate. Bogies help distribute the weight evenly across the tracks and improve the stability of the train, especially when it is going around curves. They can also include mechanisms to reduce vibrations and noise, making the ride more comfortable for passengers.
Freight trains rely on sturdy bogies to transport heavy cargo across long distances.
Passenger bogies are designed for comfort, with features like shock absorbers to smooth out bumps on the track.
The maintenance crew inspects the bogies regularly to ensure they meet safety standards.