shove something down one's throat
to shove something down one's throat
to compel someone to accept one’s ideas and beliefs, especially in an annoying way
What is the origin of the idiom "shove something down one's throat" and when to use it?
The origin of the idiom "shove something down one's throat" is not entirely clear, but it likely derives from the physical act of force-feeding, where food is literally pushed down someone's throat. In the figurative sense, this phrase is used to convey the idea of overwhelming or pressuring someone to accept or absorb something, even if they are reluctant or unwilling.
If I do n't agree with that five-year deadline, you start thrusting it down my throat.
The teacher was constantly shoving her political beliefs down the students' throats, making them uncomfortable.
He felt like his parents were trying to force their career choices on him, which caused tension in the family.