to update
更新, 升级
to make something more useful or modern by adding the most recent information to it, improving its faults, or making new features available for it
Transitive: to update sth
She decided to update her resume with her most recent job experience.
They needed to update the kitchen appliances to match the modern decor.
The website undergoes regular maintenance to update its content and improve user experience.
更新, 升级
to make improvements or changes to software, apps, or electronic devices to enhance their features or fix issues
Transitive: to update a software or device
He updated his phone's software to the latest version for improved performance.
She updated her computer's antivirus program to protect against the latest threats.
The software developer released a patch to update the game with new features and fixes.
更新, 最新消息
the act of bringing someone or something up to date
更新, 修订
new or revised information or data