a marine creature that can change color and has a long soft body with ten tentacles helping it swim very fast
What is a "squid"?
A squid is a marine cephalopod known for its elongated body, multiple tentacles, and jet propulsion abilities. They belong to the class Cephalopoda, which also includes octopuses and cuttlefish. Squids have a soft body enclosed in a muscular mantle, with a head that contains large eyes, a beak-like mouth, and sensory organs. They are highly adapted predators, using their tentacles to capture prey and their powerful siphon to propel themselves through the water. Squids are known for their remarkable intelligence, complex behavior, and ability to change color and camouflage themselves. They are important members of marine ecosystems, serving as both predators and prey and are valued as a food source in many cultures.
a type of Italian food made from a sea creature called squid, which is cooked with garlic, tomatoes, and white wine, and is usually eaten with pasta or bread
the edible flesh of a squid, often prepared in dishes like calamari, and enjoyed grilled, fried, or in soup