独白, 自言自语
a talk that one has with oneself
What is a "soliloquy"?
A soliloquy is a speech delivered by a character while they are alone on stage or believe they are alone. This type of speech reveals the character's inner thoughts, feelings, or reflections directly to the audience. It is used in plays to provide insight into a character’s personal struggles, motivations, or intentions, and is a way for the audience to understand the character's internal conflicts and perspective.
The actor delivered the soliloquy with intensity, allowing the audience to glimpse the character's innermost thoughts and emotions.
Shakespeare 's plays are renowned for their soliloquies, in which characters reveal their deepest desires and fears through introspective monologues.
The soliloquy served as a window into the character's psyche, shedding light on their motivations and internal struggles.