短翅蝶, 小型快速飞行蝴蝶
a small, fast-flying butterfly
What is a "skipper"?
A skipper is a diverse and widespread group of butterflies found in various parts of the world. Skippers are known for their distinctive wing shape, which is shorter and broader compared to other butterfly species. They are typically small to medium-sized butterflies with stocky bodies and large compound eyes. Skippers have a fast and darting flight pattern, resembling a skipping motion, hence their name. These butterflies often prefer open habitats such as meadows, fields, and woodland edges. They have a strong association with grasses and other low-growing plants, where their caterpillars feed.
船长, 指挥官
the naval officer in command of a military ship
船长, 舰长
an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship
逃课者, 缺席者
a student who fails to attend classes
to skipper
驾驶, 担任船长
work as the skipper on a vessel