to let in
[phrase form: let]
让进, 放进
to let something or someone enter a place
Transitive: to let in sb/sth
I forgot my keys and had to wait for my roommate to let me in.
Please let in some fresh air, the room is stuffy.
She refused to let in the stranger at the door.
让水(空气、光)进入, 允许通过(如孔或开口)
to permit the passage of water, air, or light through a hole or opening in something
Transitive: to let in water, air, or light
The leaky roof let in the rain, causing water damage to the ceiling and walls.
The drafty windows let in the cold air, making the room uncomfortable on a chilly night.
The thin curtains let in the sunlight, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in the living room.