to lay down
[phrase form: lay]
规定, 明文规定
to officially state that something, such as a principle or rule must be obeyed
The judge laid the law down to the defendant, warning him of the consequences of his actions.
The constitution lays down the basic principles of government.
The company laid down new rules for employee conduct.
放弃, 投降
to stop trying or fighting, and admit defeat
The soldiers laid their arms down and surrendered.
The politician laid down his office and admitted defeat.
The actor laid down his script and left the show.
躺下, 摔倒
to intentionally fall off a motorcycle to avoid a collision
The rider laid down in the corner to avoid hitting the other rider.
The rider laid down to avoid hitting the pothole.
The rider laid down to avoid hitting the car that had pulled out in front of them.
放下, 搁置
to stop holding or using something
The child laid her toy down to eat her dinner.
The musician laid down her instrument to rest her fingers.
The speaker laid down the microphone to answer a question from the audience.
辞职, 卸任
to resign or retire from a job, responsibility, or position
The CEO laid his duties down after 20 years at the company.
The judge laid down her robe after retiring from the bench.
The general laid his sword down after signing the peace treaty.
堆积, 沉积
to gradually gather and store something
The sediment in the river laid a layer of silt down on the riverbed.
The company is laying down reserves in case of a recession.
The liver lays down glycogen for energy storage.