Tìm kiếm
What is "flesh"?
Flesh refers to the soft, edible part of the body of an animal, located between the skin and the bones. It primarily consists of muscle tissue, along with varying amounts of fat, connective tissue, and other components depending on the specific animal and its diet. Flesh is rich in protein and nutrients and serves as a valuable food source for humans and many other animals. It can be prepared and consumed in various ways, including cooking, grilling, roasting, boiling, or frying, depending on cultural traditions and personal preferences. Flesh from different animals may vary in texture, flavor, and culinary uses, but it remains a fundamental part of the human diet and plays a central role in many cuisines worldwide.
thịt, cơ thể
What is "flesh"?
Flesh refers to the soft and muscular tissues that make up the physical structure of the body. It encompasses the muscles, connective tissues, and fat beneath the skin, providing support, movement, and protection. Flesh contributes to the body's shape, contours, and flexibility, allowing for various physical activities and functions. It also plays a role in temperature regulation and energy storage. The composition and distribution of flesh can vary among individuals due to factors such as age, genetics, and overall health.
thịt (của trái cây), ruột (của trái cây)
What is "flesh"?
The flesh of a fruit refers to the edible, typically soft and juicy, part that surrounds the seeds or core. It is the part of the fruit that is consumed by humans and other animals. The flesh varies in texture, flavor, and color depending on the type of fruit and its ripeness. In some fruits, such as apples and pears, the flesh is crisp and firm, while in others, such as peaches and oranges, it is soft and juicy. The flesh of fruits provides a variety of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, making it an important component of a balanced diet.
thịt (hàm ý lột bỏ lớp thịt dính trên da khi chế biến da), lột da (chỉ hành động loại bỏ phần thịt dính trong quy trình sản xuất da)