Tìm kiếm
The dawn brought a peaceful calm after the stormy night.
By dawn, the village was bustling with activity, preparing for the day 's work.
The fishermen set out at dawn, hoping to catch the best fish before the sun fully rose.
bình minh, rạng đông
the earliest period
bình minh, rạng đông
an opening time period
to dawn
rõ ràng, hiểu
to become clear or understood
bừng sáng, hừng đông
become light
xuất hiện, phát triển
appear or develop
Ví dụ
The dawn brought a peaceful calm after the stormy night.
By dawn, the village was bustling with activity, preparing for the day's work.
The fishermen set out at dawn, hoping to catch the best fish before the sun fully rose.
They woke up early to watch the dawn break over the mountains.
As the dawn approached, the birds began to sing, welcoming the new day.