Tìm kiếm
Three-way intersection

Three-way intersection
ngã ba, giao lộ ba
a junction where three roads meet
What is a "three-way intersection"?
A three-way intersection is a junction where three roads meet, forming a T or Y shape. In a T-intersection, one road ends while the other continues, requiring vehicles from the ending road to turn left or right. In a Y-intersection, roads merge or split at an angle, allowing traffic to flow in different directions. These intersections are controlled by stop signs, traffic lights, or right-of-way rules to help vehicles and pedestrians move safely. Three-way intersections are common in both urban and rural areas, connecting different roads while managing traffic flow efficiently.
Drivers approaching a three-way intersection must yield to vehicles coming from both the left and right.
The city plans to install a roundabout at the three-way intersection to improve traffic flow.
Pedestrians should use designated crosswalks when navigating a three-way intersection.