Tìm kiếm
Polo leg wrap
băng quấn chân polo, băng chân polo
a protective bandage used on a horse's legs in polo and other fast-paced equestrian sports
Polo leg wraps help prevent injuries from kicks and scrapes during the polo game.
The worn-out polo leg wraps needed to be replaced with a fresh pair.
The vet recommended using thicker polo leg wraps for the horse with a history of leg injuries.
Ví dụ
Polo leg wraps help prevent injuries from kicks and scrapes during the polo game.
The worn-out polo leg wraps needed to be replaced with a fresh pair.
The vet recommended using thicker polo leg wraps for the horse with a history of leg injuries.
I forgot to pack extra polo leg wraps for the upcoming tournament.
Different materials are used for polo leg wraps, each offering varying degrees of support.
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