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Vienna Secession
Tách rời Vienne, Nhóm Tách rời Vienne
a group of Austrian artists active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries who sought to break away from traditional academic art and create a modern, expressive style
What is the "Vienna Secession"?
The Vienna Secession was an art movement that started in Vienna, Austria, in the late 19th century. It was led by artists who wanted to move away from traditional art styles and explore new, original approaches. Main figures if this movement included Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele. The Vienna Secession focused on creating art that was original and different from the usual methods of the time. Artists used bold colors, unique designs, and modern themes to express their personal ideas. The movement aimed to promote artistic freedom and new ideas, challenging the old standards and leading to a new and lively approach to art.