Tìm kiếm
(as) clean as a whistle
completely unstained and free from dirt, thus extremely clean and tidy
What is the origin of the idiom "clean as a whistle" and when to use it?
The idiom "clean as a whistle" originated from the association of whistles with purity and cleanliness. It refers to something that is completely clean, free from any dirt, stains, or impurities. The phrase is mainly used to emphasize the idea of pristine cleanliness, often used to describe a person, object, or situation that is immaculate and without any blemish or wrongdoing.
Ví dụ
Despite the muddy trail, the hiker's boots were clean as a whistle, thanks to her diligent efforts in wiping them after each step.
The detective found the crime scene clean as a whistle, without any traces of evidence that could help solve the case.
The company's financial records were audited and found to be clean as a whistle, indicating transparency and adherence to regulations.
He took great pride in his grooming and appearance, always ensuring he looked clean as a whistle before leaving the house.
After the thorough scrubbing, the kitchen was clean as a whistle, with every surface shining and devoid of any grease or stains.