Tìm kiếm
Social distancing
/sˈəʊʃəl dˈɪstənsɪŋ/
/sˈoʊʃəl dˈɪstənsɪŋ/
physical distancing
Social distancing
giữ khoảng cách xã hội, khoảng cách xã hội
the practice of keeping a safe distance between yourself and other people in order to prevent the spread of disease
social distancing
Ví dụ
Social distancing has led to the rise of virtual meetings and remote work.
The concert venue used social distancing guidelines to arrange seating in the auditorium.
Social distancing measures have changed the way we attend large gatherings and events.
Social distancing is required in public spaces to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
The gym limited the number of people inside to ensure proper social distancing.