Tìm kiếm
chủ nghĩa toàn trị, chế độ toàn trị
relating to a system or regime that exercises complete control over its citizens' lives, often suppressing opposition and freedom of expression
toàn trị, chế độ toàn trị
of or relating to the principles of totalitarianism according to which the state regulates every realm of life
thành viên của chế độ toàn trị
an adherent of totalitarian principles or totalitarian government
Ví dụ
Citizens under the totalitarian government face severe restrictions on their personal freedoms.
The totalitarian regime tightly controls all aspects of society, including media and education.
Totalitarian regimes often rely on surveillance and censorship to suppress dissent.
The totalitarian leader's propaganda machine spreads misinformation to maintain control.
Living under a totalitarian regime means sacrificing individual liberties for the sake of state control.