Tìm kiếm
dòng thời gian, timetable
a list of events arranged in the order of their occurance
dòng thời gian, trình tự thời gian
a list of the online activities of a user on a social media platform in a chronological order
What is a "timeline"?
A timeline on social media refers to a display of posts, updates, or content shared by a user or others, organized in chronological order. It shows the most recent activities, such as status updates, photos, videos, or comments, typically appearing at the top of the page. A timeline helps users keep track of their interactions and see the posts of people or pages they follow. It is commonly found on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, where users can scroll through their timeline to view the latest content shared by others and themselves.
Ví dụ
The team reached a consensus on the new project timeline after extensive discussions.
The timeline illustrates the development of technology chronologically.
His last-minute changes to the design threw off the entire project timeline.
The timeline displayed the events of the war in chronological sequence.
The team thrashed out the project timeline during the brainstorming session.