Tìm kiếm
tái phát, sự tái lạm phát
a failure to maintain a higher state
sự tái phát, tình trạng tái phát
in addition (usually followed by `with')
sự tái phát, cơn tái phát
the return of symptoms or a condition after a period of improvement or recovery
What is a "relapse"?
A relapse is when a person's condition worsens or symptoms return after a period of getting better or recovering. It often happens with chronic illnesses or addictive behaviors, like substance abuse or mental health problems. Relapses can be triggered by different things, such as stress, environmental factors, or stopping treatment too soon. Recognizing the signs of a relapse and getting help quickly can help someone regain control and keep moving forward in their recovery.
He was determined to prevent a relapse by attending regular therapy sessions and staying connected with a support group.
The psychiatrist closely monitored the patient for signs of relapse, adjusting their treatment plan as needed.
Despite her efforts to manage her depression, she experienced a relapse and sought help from her therapist.
tái phát, lại tái phát
a deterioration in someone's condition, particularly after making an improvement
to relapse
tái nghiện, lại tái phát
to return to a previously experienced undesirable behavior after a period of improvement
He relapses into smoking whenever he feels stressed.
After six months of sobriety, she relapsed and started drinking again.
If he does n't seek support, he might relapse into his gambling addiction.
tái phát, tái nhiễm
to become sick again after an improvement in one's health