Tìm kiếm
xe bán tải, xe tải nhẹ
pick up, thiết bị thu âm
What is a "pickup"?
A pickup is a device on electric stringed instruments, such as guitars, that captures the vibrations of the strings and converts them into an electrical signal. This signal is then sent to an amplifier to produce sound. Pickups are usually located under the strings and can come in various types, including magnetic and pressure-sensitive. The design and placement of the pickup affect the instrument’s tone and overall sound. Additionally, pickups can be used on acoustic instruments to amplify their sound. They are typically installed in or near the sound hole or on the body of the acoustic instrument, allowing it to be heard more clearly in live performances or recordings.
cứu cánh, sự khôi phục
lệnh bắt, giấy bắt
sự nhặt lên, sự thu gom
việc đón, sự lấy hàng
bộ cảm ứng, đầu kim
tăng tốc, khả năng tăng tốc
mối quan hệ thoáng qua, người quen tình một đêm