Tìm kiếm
bánh mỳ nướng Melba, bánh mỳ giòn Melba
What is "melba toast"?
Melba toast is a type of dry, crisp and thinly sliced toast that is made from thinly sliced, toasted bread. To make Melba toast, a loaf of bread is sliced thinly and then toasted until it is crispy and golden brown. The toasted bread is then sliced again, this time into very thin slices, and then toasted a second time until they are dry and crisp. Melba toast can be made from a variety of breads, but is typically made from white bread or whole wheat bread. It is often served as a snack or as a garnish for soups and salads. Melba toast was invented in the late 19th century by a French chef named Auguste Escoffier, who named it after the Australian opera singer, Dame Nellie Melba. Melba toast is a versatile and delicious food item that is enjoyed by many, and is often used as a low-calorie alternative to regular toast or crackers.