Tìm kiếm
to look around
[phrase form: look]
quan sát xung quanh, nhìn quanh
to turn your head to see the surroundings
Transitive: to look around a place
I looked around the garden, admiring the beautiful flowers.
She was looking around the room to find a familiar face.
When we got to the top of the hill, we looked around to enjoy the view.
tìm kiếm xung quanh, khảo sát xung quanh
to actively search for something by asking and exploring
Intransitive: to look around for sth
I 've been looking around for a new job for the past few months.
She is always looking around for new opportunities to expand her business.
They looked around for a place to eat before heading back home.
tham quan, đi dạo quanh
to explore a place or building by walking through it and observing its surroundings
Transitive: to look around a place or building
We spent the afternoon looking around the town.
The tourists looked around the bustling market, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells.
We looked around the town a bit before heading back to the hotel.