تلاش کریں
Couch potato
ٹی وی کا عادی شخص, سست شخص
someone who sits around and watches TV a lot
What is the origin of the idiom "couch potato" and when to use it?
The term "couch potato" came into use in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It plays on the image of a potato plant, which remains static in one place and passively absorbs nutrients. It refers to someone who spends much of their free time lounging on the couch in an inactive state, often while watching television or screen-based entertainment. It describes a sedentary lifestyle characterized by excessive inactivity and lack of exercise due to excessive time spent engaged with media sources from a horizontal position.
His lack of physical activity and constant TV watching have turned him into a couch potato.
If he starts going for regular walks, he can avoid becoming a couch potato.
His unhealthy lifestyle of being a couch potato is affecting his overall well-being.
His lack of physical activity and constant TV watching have turned him into a couch potato.
If he starts going for regular walks, he can avoid becoming a couch potato.
His unhealthy lifestyle of being a couch potato is affecting his overall well-being.
Instead of going outside and exercising, he chooses to be a couch potato all day.
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