تلاش کریں
Corpus amygdaloideum
/kˈɔːpəs ˌamɪɡdˌalɔɪdˈiːəm/
/kˈɔːɹpəs ˌæmɪɡdˌælɔɪdˈiːəm/
Corpus amygdaloideum
بادام جیسی جسم, ایمیگڈالا
an almond-shaped structure in the brain that plays a key role in processing emotions
What is "corpus amygdaloideum"?
The corpus amygdaloideum, also known as the amygdala, is a small almond-shaped structure located deep within the brain's temporal lobe. It plays a crucial role in processing emotions, particularly fear and aggression, as well as in the formation and retrieval of emotional memories. The corpus amygdaloideum is involved in various aspects of emotional and social behavior, contributing to our understanding and response to stimuli in our environment.
corpus amygdaloideum