تلاش کریں
Commedia dell'arte
کمیڈیا ڈیل'آرٹ, کمیڈیا ڈیل آرٹ
a form of Italian theater that originated in the 16th century and is characterized by its use of stock characters, improvised dialogue, and physical comedy
What is "commedia dell'arte"?
Commedia dell'arte is a style of theater that originated in Italy during the 16th century, characterized by improvised performances and familiar characters. The actors used a set of traditional roles, such as Harlequin, Pantalone, and Colombina, each with their own distinct traits and costumes. The performances often involved comedic scenarios and physical humor, with the actors improvising dialogue and adapting the story to fit the audience. The goal of commedia dell'arte was to entertain with lively and humorous acts, showcasing the actors' skills in improvisation and physical comedy.

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