تلاش کریں
to bury
دفن کرنا, چھپانا
to put a dead person or animal beneath the ground
Transitive: to bury a dead person or animal
The family buries their beloved pet in the backyard.
The cemetery caretaker buries several deceased individuals each week.
دفن کرنا, چھپانا
to cover or hide something from sight, often by placing it in the ground or covering it with another material
Transitive: to bury sth
The dog likes to bury its toys in the backyard.
The treasure chest was buried on a deserted island, hidden from view.
مطالعے میں غرق ہونا, علاقائی مصروفیت میں گم ہونا
to engage intensely in an activity or interest, ignoring other responsibilities or issues
Transitive: to bury oneself in an activity
She decided to bury herself in her studies to prepare for the exam.
He tends to bury himself in work whenever he feels stressed.
دفتری کرنا, دفن کرنا
to cover someone or something entirely so that they are no longer visible
Transitive: to bury sth
The snow began to bury the entire village after the blizzard.
They buried the car under piles of leaves in the autumn.
چھپانا, بھول جانا
to keep a feeling or memory hidden or to try to forget about it
Transitive: to bury a feeling or memory
She tried to bury her sadness after the loss of her pet.
He buried his anger rather than confront the issue.

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