تلاش کریں
Honeypot ant
شہد کی مکھی کی مانند چیونٹی, مُٹھے والی چیونٹی
an ant found in dry areas, that stores food in their swollen abdomens for the colony during scarce periods
What is a "honeypot ant"?
A honeypot ant, also known as the honey ant, is a unique species of ant that has specialized members within its colony called "repletes." Repletes are individuals that serve as living storage vessels for nectar and honeydew, which they store in their swollen abdomens. These enlarged abdomens can become so large that they resemble living honey pots. The honeypot ants play a vital role in the colony by storing food during times of abundance, which can be accessed by other ants when food sources are scarce. This unique adaptation allows the colony to survive in arid environments where food resources may be limited.