تلاش کریں
to hit on
[phrase form: hit]
چھیڑنا, فلاٹ کرنا
to flirt with someone, often with romantic or sexual intentions
Transitive: to hit on sb
He was hitting on her at the party, trying to impress her with compliments.
She did n't appreciate him hitting on her while she was trying to work.
Some people feel uncomfortable when strangers hit on them in public places.
اچانک خیال آنا, اچانک حل نکالنا
to suddenly have an amazing idea
Transitive: to hit on an idea
She hit on a brilliant solution to the problem while taking a shower.
He hit on a fantastic idea for the company's marketing campaign during a brainstorming session.
Sometimes, you can hit on a creative breakthrough when you least expect it.

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