تلاش کریں
یاؤس, یاؤس (استوائی انفکشن)
a tropical bacterial infection that causes chronic skin lesions and bone deformities, primarily affecting children in impoverished regions
What is "yaws"?
Yaws is a chronic bacterial infection caused by a bacterium called Treponema pallidum pertenue. It mainly affects the skin, bones, and cartilage. Yaws is typically spread through direct contact with the skin wounds of an infected person, often during childhood. Symptoms of yaws may include painless, raised, and crusted skin wounds, usually on the legs, arms, or face. Without treatment, yaws can lead to damaging bone and joint deformities. However, it can be effectively treated with antibiotics, and preventive measures include improving hygiene in affected communities.
Public health initiatives aim to reduce the prevalence of yaws through community-based interventions.
Yaws is endemic in tropical regions, particularly in parts of Africa, Asia, and the Pacific.
If left untreated, yaws can progress to more severe stages, involving bone and joint deformities.