تلاش کریں
غضب, کینہ
an intense sense of rage
The protesters faced the wrath of the authorities, who responded with brutal force and violence.
The betrayed lover 's eyes burned with wrath as she confronted the unfaithful partner.
غضب, خشم
extreme anger or strong resentment, often accompanied by a desire for vengeance or harming oneself and others
The character in the movie sought to avenge her family 's murder, driven by wrath and a burning desire for retribution.
The minister warned people against nurturing wrath in their hearts, advising them to practice forgiveness instead.
خدا کا قہر, الہی سزا
punishment that is believed to be inflicted by a higher power or deity
In Greek mythology, Zeus would unleash his wrath upon mortals who dared to challenge his authority or disrespect the gods.
The ancient texts warn that those who defy the gods will face their wrath, enduring eternal torment in the underworld.