تلاش کریں
to waddle
لڑکھڑاتے ہوئے چلنا, گھمنڈ کرتے ہوئے چلنا
to walk with short, clumsy steps and a swaying motion from side to side, typically as a result of being overweight or having short legs
The penguin waddled across the ice, its flippers outstretched for balance.
After a long day of hiking, his legs felt so sore that he could only waddle back to the campsite.
The toddler waddled around the room, giggling with delight at his newfound ability to walk.
لنگڑا جانا, لنگڑا کر چلنا
a clumsy or rolling gait, typically associated with certain animals like ducks or penguins