تلاش کریں
He checked the price of the flight online.
He was willing to pay any price for the rare book.
She negotiated the price of the antique vase.
قیمت, مُعَاوضہ
the property of having material worth (often indicated by the amount of money something would bring if sold)
قیمت, قیمتیں
the high value or worth of something
قیمت, دام
value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something
انعام, قیمت
a monetary reward for helping to catch a criminal
رشوت کی قیمت, رشوت کا دام
cost of bribing someone
to price
قیمت مقرر کرنا, قیمت طے کرنا
to set an amount that is needed as payment for a product or a service
Transitive: to price a product or service
Businesses carefully price their products to remain competitive in the market.
The artist decided to price their paintings based on factors like size and complexity.
The store is currently pricing new inventory for the upcoming sale.
قیمت لگانا, قیمت جانچنا
to determine or inquire about the cost or value of something
Transitive: to price sth
She priced the car before deciding whether to buy it.
He went to the store to price the new laptop.
Before purchasing the furniture, he made sure to price several options to compare.

قریبی الفاظ