تلاش کریں
موڈ کا اتار چڑھاؤ, نرمی والی حالت
experiencing frequent changes in mood, often without apparent reason or explanation
The moody teenager withdrew into their room, refusing to talk to anyone.
She 's so moody lately, swinging between happiness and sadness from one moment to the next.
He became moody whenever he was stressed at work, snapping at his coworkers for no reason.
تنگ مزاج, خفا
showing a brooding ill humor
موڈی (مبلغ), موڈی (واعظ)
United States evangelist (1837-1899)
موڈی, ٹینس کی کھلاڑی موڈی
United States tennis player who dominated women's tennis in the 1920s and 1930s (1905-1998)
The moody teenager withdrew into their room, refusing to talk to anyone.
She's so moody lately, swinging between happiness and sadness from one moment to the next.
He became moody whenever he was stressed at work, snapping at his coworkers for no reason.
His moody disposition made it difficult for others to predict how he would react in any given situation.