інфузія, введення
What is "infusion"?
Infusion is a medical process where fluids, medications, or nutrients are delivered directly into the bloodstream through a needle or thin tube. This method is commonly used for treatments like intravenous (IV) therapy, where patients receive fluids, antibiotics, or other medications. Infusions can be given over a short period or continuously over several hours or days, depending on the treatment needed.
інфузія, настій
інфузія, екстракція
настій, інфузія
What is "infusion"?
Infusion refers to a liquid that has been flavored or infused with other ingredients, such as herbs, fruits, or spices. The process of infusion involves steeping these ingredients in a liquid, often water or alcohol, to extract their flavors and aromas. Infusions can be used for a variety of purposes, including as a base for tea, as a flavoring for food or drinks, or as a medicinal remedy. They can be made using a wide range of ingredients and can be steeped for varying amounts of time to achieve different flavor profiles. Infusions are often used in cooking and mixology to add depth and complexity to dishes and drinks, and are a popular choice for those looking to experiment with different flavor combinations.