a type of surgical procedure focused on reconstructing or restoring damaged or deformed tissue, often for cosmetic or functional improvement
What is "anaplasty"?
Anaplasty is a surgical procedure that tries to restore or reconstruct a missing or damaged part of the body, often using techniques such as grafting, transplantation, or prosthetics. It is commonly performed to improve function or appearance following injury, disease, or abnormalities one is born with. For example, anaplasty might involve rebuilding a facial feature after an accident or creating a prosthetic limb for someone who has lost an arm or leg.
Anaplasty can help restore movement and appearance to damaged body parts.
The patient underwent anaplasty to repair facial injuries sustained in an accident.
The surgeon specializes in anaplasty for burn victims, helping them regain function and confidence.
After the injury healed, doctors recommended anaplasty to improve the appearance of the scar.