ноодлінг, риболовля голими руками
the practice of catching fish, typically catfish, using bare hands in sport fishing
What is "noodling"?
Noodling is a method of catching fish, particularly catfish, by hand. In this technique, a person wades into shallow water, typically in rivers or lakes, and reaches into underwater holes or crevices where catfish are hiding. The person then attempts to grab the fish, often by inserting their hand into the hole and letting the fish bite onto their hand or arm. Noodling requires both skill and bravery, as the fish can be large and strong. It is a traditional and somewhat risky technique, often practiced in certain regions of the United States.
Noodling requires reaching into underwater holes to catch fish.
Noodling techniques vary depending on the size and behavior of the fish.
Noodling competitions attract participants from across the country.