White pages
білі сторінки, жовті сторінки
the section of a phone book that gives the list of the names, addresses and phone numbers of individuals and businesses in an alphabetical order
What are the "white pages"?
The white pages are a section of a phone book or directory that lists residential and business phone numbers in alphabetical order. It typically includes the names, addresses, and phone numbers of individuals or companies who have opted to be included. The white pages are often used by people trying to find contact information for someone or a business. Unlike the yellow pages, which list businesses by category, the white pages are focused on personal and household listings. With the rise of the Internet, the use of printed white pages has decreased, and many directories are now available online.
I looked up his number in the white pages to give him a call.
The white pages of the phone book had the contact details for all the local businesses.
He was able to locate the service provider ’s number in the white pages.

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