поширення, розмноження
the process of natural multiplication; representing the expansion of a population over time
The propagation of the plant species occurred rapidly in the new environment.
Scientists studied the propagation of bacteria in different conditions.
The propagation of the species was observed in the isolated ecosystem.
поширення, розповсюдження
the spreading of something (a belief or practice) into new regions
розповсюдження, передача
the way a wave travels through a medium
Researchers measured the propagation of sound in different materials to find the best insulators.
The propagation of ocean waves can be influenced by the wind and the sea floor.
The propagation of heat waves through metal can be felt almost instantly.
The propagation of the plant species occurred rapidly in the new environment.
Scientists studied the propagation of bacteria in different conditions.
The propagation of the species was observed in the isolated ecosystem.
The propagation of the virus was tracked through the population over several months.
Understanding the propagation of diseases is crucial for public health.
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