The team 's primary goal is to win the championship this season.
Her goal is to become a successful entrepreneur and start her own business.
Setting achievable goals is essential for personal growth and development.
hedef, amaç
the place designated as the end (as of a race or journey)
During the match, our team scored two goals.
In football, a player scores a goal by getting the ball into the opponent 's net.
Scoring a goal in soccer always gives me a rush of adrenaline.
a specific area usually marked by a net or structure, where players attempt to score points by getting a ball, puck, or other game object into it
a role assigned to the entity that represents the target or endpoint of an action or movement
What is a "goal"?
In linguistics, a goal refers to the entity that receives the action or is affected by it in a sentence, often indicating the direction or target of the action. It is typically the destination or endpoint of an action. For example, in the sentence "He sent the letter to his friend," "his friend" is the goal because it is the person receiving the letter. Understanding the role of the goal is important for analyzing sentence structure and how different elements contribute to the overall meaning of an action.
The team's primary goal is to win the championship this season.
Her goal is to become a successful entrepreneur and start her own business.
Setting achievable goals is essential for personal growth and development.
Setting short-term goals can help break down larger tasks into manageable steps.
He worked tirelessly to achieve his lifelong goal of climbing Mount Everest.

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