to flare up
[phrase form: flare]
patlak vermek, tekrar alevlenmek
to suddenly become more intense, especially in terms of a situation or conflict
alevlenmek, patlamak
(of fire, flames, etc.) to suddenly and strongly increase in brightness or intensity
kızmak, şiddetlenmek
to suddenly become angry or agitated
nüksetmek, kötüleşmek
(of an illness or disease) to suddenly worsen or become active again after a period of improvement
flare up
The dispute over the inheritance flared up during the reading of the will.
The social media discussion quickly flared up into a heated debate over politics.
The argument between the neighbors flared up again, and the police were called.
Political tensions in the region continue to flare up, causing concerns for international peace.
The team's performance had been stable, but their issues with teamwork flared up during a crucial project.