Inline skating
paten yapma, inline patinaj
a sport involving various activities using inline skates, which have two to five wheels arranged in a single line under a boot
What is "inline skating"?
Inline skating is a sport or recreational activity where a person glides on wheels arranged in a single line on their skates. It can be done on various surfaces such as smooth roads, tracks, or pathways. Inline skates are commonly used for fitness, transportation, or as part of competitive events like races. Skaters use their legs to push off and maintain speed while controlling their direction and balance. Inline skating requires coordination and stability, as skaters must maneuver turns, stop, and avoid obstacles while moving at varying speeds. It is a popular and accessible activity enjoyed by people of all ages.
Inline skating clubs often organize group skates and social events.
Inline skating helps improve cardiovascular health and leg strength.
Advanced inline skating techniques include jumps, spins, and tricks.