Conduit bender
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a specialized tool used to bend metal conduit, such as electrical metallic tubing (EMT) or rigid conduit, into desired angles or curves
What is a "conduit bender"?
A conduit bender is a tool used to bend electrical conduit pipes, which are used to protect and route electrical wiring. The tool allows for precise bends in the conduit, ensuring it fits into the required space or around obstacles. The bender typically has a long handle for leverage and a set of guides to control the bend's angle and radius. It is commonly used in electrical work to create smooth, accurate bends without damaging the conduit, helping to ensure a safe and organized wiring system.
The electrician used the conduit bender to create precise bends in the metal pipes.
To fit the wiring system properly, she needed a conduit bender to curve the pipes around the corner.
He grabbed the conduit bender from his toolbox before starting the installation.

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