you cannot serve two masters
you cannot serve two masters
hiç kimse iki efendiye hizmet edemez
used to imply that dividing attention, loyalty, or effort between conflicting interests or allegiances will lead to a lack of commitment and failure or poor performance in all of them
What is the origin of the proverb "you cannot serve two masters" and when to use it?
The origin of the proverb "you cannot serve two masters" can be traced to the Bible, specifically the Gospel of Matthew (6:24). It suggests that divided loyalty leads to conflict and inefficiency, whether in a moral, professional, or personal context. The proverb reflects the idea that, to succeed or find fulfillment, a person must dedicate themselves to a single cause or path. It serves as a caution against attempting to meet multiple conflicting demands simultaneously.
When my friend was trying to please both her parents and her partner, I reminded her that you can not serve two masters.

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