pat sb on the back
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British pronunciation/pˈat ˌɛsbˈiː ɒnðə bˈak/
American pronunciation/pˈæt ˌɛsbˈiː ɑːnðə bˈæk/

sırtını sıvazlamak

to praise or encourage someone to show one thinks they have done a great job at doing something
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to [pat] {sb} on the back definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "pat someone on the back" and when to use it?

The origin of the idiom "pat someone on the back" is closely tied to the physical act itself. The gesture of patting someone on the back to convey approval or encouragement has likely been used across cultures and throughout history as a nonverbal way to express positive sentiments. It is often used in professional settings to acknowledge achievements or milestones, such as in the workplace when a manager praises an employee for a job well done.

A pat on the back
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British pronunciation/ɐ pˈat ɒnðə bˈak/
American pronunciation/ɐ pˈæt ɑːnðə bˈæk/

sırtını sıvazlama

a praise or encouragement given to someone because of what they have done or achieved
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a pat on the back definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "a pat on the back" and when to use it?

The origin of the idiom "a pat on the back" is rooted in both language and gesture. "Pat" refers to the light, gentle tapping or stroking motion that is commonly used to convey encouragement, approval, or reassurance. This physical gesture has long been a way of expressing praise or recognition across various cultures. It is frequently used in professional settings to acknowledge employees' accomplishments, providing them with motivation and positive feedback for their hard work.

After his stellar performance in the school play, the teacher couldn't help but pat him on the back and commend his acting skills.
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Meaning of "To [pat] {sb} on the back" in Turkish

Meaning of "A pat on the back" in Turkish
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