Too much of a good thing
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British pronunciation/hav tˈuː mʌtʃ əvə ɡˈʊd θˈɪŋ/
American pronunciation/hæv tˈuː mʌtʃ əvə ɡˈʊd θˈɪŋ/

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used to refer to the fact that even something pleasant can become unpleasant or harmful if not done or kept in moderation
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too much of a good thing definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "too much of a good thing" and when to use it?

The idiom "too much of a good thing" has been in use for centuries and is attributed to various sources, including Shakespeare. Its origin lies in the idea that an excess of something that is generally considered positive or beneficial can lead to negative consequences. It is used to caution against excessive or immoderate behavior, consumption, or indulgence in something that is typically seen as positive or enjoyable.

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Meaning of "Too much of a good thing" in Turkish
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