what is the origin and context of use of 'peace'?
The use of "peace" as an interjection has its roots in the peace movements of the 1960s and 1970s, particularly during the Vietnam War era. It reflects a desire for harmony, nonviolence, and tranquility. The context of using "peace" as an interjection is typically informal and friendly. It's often used among friends, peers, or acquaintances as a way to bid farewell or express a wish for well-being.
The ceasefire brought a temporary halt to hostilities, allowing civilians to finally experience a peace.
After years of conflict, the region finally experienced a period of lasting peace and stability.
The successful negotiations brought back peace to the region.
The continual noise from the construction site disrupted the neighborhood's peace.
The bulletproof backpack offered parents peace of mind for their children's safety at school.
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