Note value
nota değeri
the relative duration or length of a musical note or rest
What is a "note value"?
A note value indicates the duration or length of time a note is played in music. It is represented by different note symbols, such as whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, and so on. Each type of note value tells the musician how long to hold the note relative to the piece's time signature. For example, in common time (4/4), a whole note lasts for four beats, a half note lasts for two beats, and a quarter note lasts for one beat. Note values help musicians understand the rhythm and timing of a piece of music.
The composer carefully assigned a value to each note, dictating its duration and rhythmic significance in the composition.
Understanding note value is crucial for musicians to interpret rhythm accurately in musical compositions.
Each note value, whether it's a whole note, half note, quarter note, or eighth note, represents a specific duration within a musical piece.

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